Markdown and graph viz

I just spent ages trying to get this piece of graphviz to render in github markdown using the amazing gravizo

However I could not get this to work at all - I think it is because it has a nested {}

digraph G {   
  node [shape=record];
  subgraph cluster_crt {
    label = "Current Reality Tree: Get Onto Course";
    c_p1 [label= "Register"];
    c_p2 [label= "Prove Identity"];
    c_p3 [label= "Choose Course"];
    c_p4 [label= "Course Info Emailed"];
    c_p5 [label= "Accepted onto Course"];
    c_p1 -> c_p2;
    c_p1 -> c_p3;
    c_p3 -> c_p4;
    c_p2 -> c_p5;
    c_p3 -> c_p5;

  subgraph cluster_transition {
    label = "Transition Actions";
    t_a1 [label= "Enable multiple courses"];
    t_a2 [label= "Automate manual steps"];
    t_a3 [label= "Restyle everything into mobile"];
    t_a4 [label= "Handle automation transition failures"];
    t_a5 [label= "Build generic page templates"];
    t_a6 [label= "Update + create courses based upon feed"];
    t_a7 [label= "Built CMS management for courses"];

    t_a1 -> t_a2;
    t_a2 -> t_a3;
    t_a2 -> t_a4;
    t_a2 -> t_a5;
    t_a4 -> t_a6;
    t_a5 -> t_a7;
    t_a6 -> t_a7;

  subgraph cluster_frt {
    label = "Future Reality Tree";

    f_p1 [label= "Choose Course"];
    f_p2 [label= "Register"];
    f_p3 [label= "Prove Identity"];
    f_p4 [label= "Accepted onto course"]; 
    f_p5 [label= "Course info available on site"]; 

    f_p1 -> f_p2;
    f_p2 -> f_p3; 
    f_p3 -> f_p4;
    f_p4 -> f_p5;

In the end the only was i could do it was to first isolate the cause to the nested {} and then work around it. I tried every example and it failed

In the end I extracted it to a file and then referred to it like this

![Me and U](

and it renders like this

Me and U

winning (3 hours of my life down though!)