#So what is going on?

Have spent a week or so playing with elm. I don’t know Haskell and tbh have been kind of watching iZombie and getting into it whilst doing this. But still I am just not feeling it. Seems to be a crap ton of code to accomplish anything.

I kept wanting to lean on ideas like session which is really my problem. I think if i come back to this after more Elixir then i will be in a far better position to approach this. Session state is clearly a long way from an ideal answer and so is utterly the wrong mindset.

I guess i need to grok it, paradigm shift and all that.

But things i haven’t enjoyed.

  1. Most examples use some # based routing. I have never seen that in the wild, why would anyone want to do page to page navigation using it?
  2. Haven’t really seen how to call services yet - but have been through several tutorials. It’s just not come up.
  3. I cannot help but think if I sat down and learnt Haskell this would all becomes trivial. However as all this is really a distraction from learning phoenix + elixir to act as the ui layer sitting down and devoting time to Haskell isn’t what i want to do right now.
  4. I feel like I wrote a lot of code - more than ng/ng2/asp.net/mvc - to accomplish not very much. Sure when it compiles it works … but when it doesn’t compile often you either can fix it - or you are in the abyss of not knowing. It’s not like you can (and admittedly I feel dirty having to resort to this) debug it …