Elm: User Input Part 2 - what key?
Following on from part 1
So we can detect keyboard events.
now we want to:
- to hook into some specific keys.
- represent those keys in a way that doesn’t involve horrible magic numbers
So hit the googles and find: Elm Character
So now if we write something that can get to the char codes we should be able to translate them? Right?
So some elm …
Lets update the view to show us some info.
Check out the horrible signature on Set.foldr
(comparable -> b -> b) -> b -> Set.Set comparable -> b
It means a function that takes a comparable function that takes 2 things of the same type (I think it operates in an order - because its a set order is undefined so you have to give it one), a thing, a set of the comparable things and then returns a thing.
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
keyString =
Set.map toString model.pressedKeys
|> Set.foldr String.append ""
div []
text keyString
Now we can see the character codes. Lets convert them to something human readable.
import Char exposing(fromCode)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
keyString =
Set.map fromCode model.pressedKeys
|> Set.map toString
|> Set.foldr String.append ""
div []
text keyString
so its a bit messed up, but its a start.