Have installed various things through the tutorial. As of yet haven’t seen any scaffolding projects to preassemble this stuff. So until that point, this should save some time.

  1. Yarn - https://yarnpkg.com/en/
  2. elm package install elm-lang/html
  3. elm package install elm-lang/html
  4. elm package install elm-lang/mouse
  5. elm package install elm-lang/keyboard
  6. yarn init
  7. yarn add json-server@0.9.5
  8. yarn add webpack webpack-dev-middleware webpack-dev-server elm-webpack-loader file-loader style-loader css-loader url-loader
  9. yarn add ace-css@1.1 font-awesome@4
  10. webpack config - https://www.elm-tutorial.org/en/04-starting/03-webpack-1.html
  11. elm package install elm-lang/html
  12. npm install -g foreman - for hosting multiple node apps (server, client - nf start)
  13. elm package install elm-lang/http
  14. elm package install NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline
  15. elm package install krisajenkins/remotedata
  16. elm package install elm-lang/navigation
  17. elm package install evancz/url-parser