Elixir is Erlang, RabbitMQ is Erlang ZOMG this should be amazing

So to cut a fairly dull story short. This is what to do

  1. Do not upgrade your ubuntu distro to latest and expect all to be funky dory - you lose 3rd party repos etc.
  2. Do not go onto rabbit page and install Erlang there. Instead apt install esl-erlang
  3. May as well finish installing Elixir from here
  4. Then install RabbitMQ-Server apt install rabbitmq-server
  5. Follow instructions to setup the management ui plugin and start/enable the service.
  6. You can now start the tutorials (and have a hope of success)

HAHA I lied

(The tutorials will fail with the following error)

/deps/rabbit_common/.erlang.mk/hex/lager.tar: Cannot open: No such file or directory

WTF is lager?

Lager is a logging framework for Erlang. Add it as a dependency in you elixir project

  defp deps do
      {:amqp, "~> 1.0"},
      {:lager, "~> 3.5"}

Now you can run stuff

iex -S mix