Elixir: Notes on Agent
The repo backing this code is here.
It is literally a result of me working through the docs, nothing original.
It is a wrapper around state.
- Introduces
This is the equivalent of the processspawn_link
as far as I can tell.Because processes are linked, we now see a message saying the parent process, which is the shell process, has received an EXIT signal from another process causing the shell to terminate. IEx detects this situation and starts a new shell session.
See Task.start_link/1
Task provides convenience functions, like Task.async/1 and Task.await/1, and functionality to ease distribution … for now it is enough to remember to use Task to get better error reports.
- ` Agent.get(bucket, &Map.get(&1, key))
The map function gets executed in the process of the Agent. So the &1 actually refers to the bucket and hence why you have to capture it with the
&` operator. So this is important:
def delete(bucket, key) do
Process.sleep(1000) # puts client to sleep
Agent.get_and_update(bucket, fn dict ->
Process.sleep(1000) # puts server to sleep
Map.pop(dict, key)